Reflection: 2nd November: All Souls. Birthday of the Servant of God, Joseph De Piro (Year A)


The liturgy of the Church offers us a large variety of readings for the celebration of the memorial of all our sisters and brothers who have gone before us and are waiting their moment of glory in the Lord. Any one of the readings provided in the lectionary for use at a funeral, can be reflected upon in today’s celebration.

The reading from the book of Isaiah is an image of the kingdom of God. On God’s holy mountain, in the presence of God, God welcomes us all to a bountiful banquet with rich foods and fine wines. In both Old and New Testaments, the presence of God is often compared to the joy of a great banquet. This banquet reaches its fulfilment at the Last Supper and indeed at the ‘breaking of the bread,’ in the Eucharist. Together, we, the pilgrim Church, our sisters and brothers on their way to glory, and the angels and saints, join together in this great banquet in God’s presence. Here our mortal bodies will be changed into a glorious body, like the one he enjoyed after the resurrection.

All these things are hidden to us now, but they will be revealed in the fullness of time when the mirror will shatter, and we can see God, as he really is (cf. 1 Corinthians 13:12).

Further Reading:

Joseph De Piro reflects:

“Our earthly home is our treasure, and we must cherish it. Yet, our heavenly homeland is much greater and even more wonderful; an infinite treasure without a beginning and without end created and open for each one of us. O my guardian angel, make your voice heard. Make me understand the meaning of the words, ‘I am created for joy and beauty and for heavenly repose.’

In all sadness and opposition of this life in front of death itself, I lift my mind and my heart to my Father in heaven and I tell him, ‘Your kingdom come!’”