Maratona ‘Ohloq Tbissima 2020’

At the end of this week, the Oħloq Tbissima marathon will be with us again, this time for shorter duration and broadcast by CPi Media studios; studios from which various socio-religious programs are broadcast on various local television stations. The idea of ​​the marathon to raise funds for the Missions of the Missionary Society of St. Paul among the poor in Peru, Pakistan and the Philippines, was born out of such broadcasts from the CPi Media studios. Oħloq Tbissima, eighteen years ago, was staged in the courtyard of St. Joseph’s house, but this year due to the restrictions associated with COVID-19, we thought of organizing it and creating interesting and beautiful sets in our studios. So, all in all, even this year we can help these Maltese missionaries, have the necessary funds to buy food for so many and so poor, that because of the COVID-19 and because of the long down lock for the last four months, they are fed daily.

These poor who have been in the lock down, have lost the little work they would have had to have the money to buy food for themselves and their families. This lack of work has caused great misery and trouble in these families. Indeed, were it not for the Maltese missionaries, as Fr Alex Busuttil, who works in Arequipa, Peru, has put it, “these people would die of hunger not of COVID-19”. That is why this year it was decided to hold a marathon to raise funds so that these poor people can continue to benefit from at least a meal a day.
“We don’t even know what it means not to have money to buy a packet of milk, some bread and rice so that at least families, and especially children and the elderly, can eat at least once a day,” said Fr Louis Mallia, Director of CPi Media. “That is why we are asking Maltese and Gozitans to be generous and understand that abroad we have many people who literally have nothing. We have a hard time understanding what nothing is, but this is a reality they are living with every day, every day ”.

It is in this context that the invitation is being made for the Maltese and Gozitan people to follow the Create a Smile marathon on F-Living, which will broadcast the marathon, from Friday 17 July at 5.00pm. all over the three days, as well as coming on One, Net and TVM2 as they will also broadcast times on the stations. The marathon will also be streamed live on the Create a Smile Facebook page.In addition to the features sent by the missionaries themselves, to share information about what they are experiencing today, there will also be links via
Skype, with Peru, Pakistan and the Philippines. Also, during these three evenings there will be some of the best Maltese singers to perform a song from their repertoire. Compares, who do not need an introduction, will be presenting these three evenings from 5.00pm to midnight every day.

Donations can be made in a variety of ways. One can go to the House of St. Joseph Saint Venus, to give his donation in person. Donations can also be made by phone over the Numbers that will be displayed during the daily broadcasts. 

One can contribute from now on by calling the following numbers:
51002031 – € 20
51902080 – € 50
You can also send an SMS:
50619285 – € 11.65

The pledge line will be opened on the day of the broadcast and will have the number 21445544
Donations, even from abroad, will be possible through the site

The Missionaries who have left everything and are trying to give dignity to many poor people thank you in advance. THANK YOU

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