Parish priest of St Paul the Apostle Parish, Canada

“Go in peace, your sins are forgiven”. His face shone as he walked out the door, and a smile spread over his face.  He actually looked slightly younger than when he had entered that room more than half an hour before. Finally, he managed to get rid of long years of shame and guilt, which included, participation in murder.

Such smiles. Nothing beats them. They’re priceless!

That smile! We’re not paid for our ministries, but that smile is worth more than a thousand dollars.

Like the smile of the sick person saying thank you, after I had been and prayed with him.
Or the smile of the young couple nearing their “big day”, knowing that they are going into marriage slightly better equipped than some of their peers.

And the smile of the old lady I regularly visit, spending time with her, saying practically nothing.

The smile of the little kid when I fall on my knees, becoming once more a little kid myself, just to play and have fun.

And the smile of the person feeling desperate, due to any one of countless possible circumstances, who finally sees a glimmer of hope in life.

Such smiles. Nothing beats them. They’re priceless!