Maratona Ohloq Tbissima wrapped up its 2021 edition on Sunday 18th July with live transmission on FLiving, One, NET, and TVM2. The Maltese viewership embraced the call of the missionaries of the Missionary Society of St. Paul to help feed the poorest of the poor in countries like Peru, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Throughout the marathon live links were established with various missionaries such as Fr. Alex Busuttil, Victor Zammit, George Scerri, and Bishop Giovanni Cefai in Huancane Peru, Frs Stephen and Joe in the Philippines and others. All the missionaries clearly showed the precariousness of a situation where people barely find enough food to eat. The effects of Covid-19 meant that many have lost work. In Peru, Fr. Alex explained how over 15 kitchens have had to be open to feed over 3000 people daily in the upper regions of Arequipa, Peru. In various situations, it is heartbreaking to turn people away for lack of funds or provisions. At times, given restrictions, the missionaries and helpers do the rounds and distribute the food packs door to door to people who cannot go out of their homes. Over €700,000 were raised during these days: these will be gradually distributed to the missionaries.
We would like to thank the TV Stations, volunteers, presenters and artists who took part in the shows. We thank God for this opportunity and the energy to bring another Maratona home. It brings us much joy to know that we will be making a tangible difference in the life of many families in need.