The mystery of the Incarnation is part of a much longer relationship between God and humanity: the story of God’s self-revelation to humanity. God reveals himself through creation, through the prophets and the leaders of the people of Israel, and, finally, in the fulness of his Word in Jesus.
God respects the graduality required by human nature. We take time to absorb new concepts. In the gospels, the mystery of the Incarnation is revealed first to the poor shepherds, then to the gentiles (wise men from the East), and finally to his disciples in the wedding feast of Cana and throughout his ministry.
In the New Covenant, the revelation of God is no longer limited to the people of Israel, but is available to all nations. The wise men coming from the east represent the gentiles who recognise in Jesus the new time God has created for humanity.
Revelation does not stop with the end of the last book of the New Testament, but goes on today as God continues to show himself to other nations. The glory of the Lord needs to shine and give light to the whole world; everyone, Jew and Greek, is invited to the table of God. Like the celebration of Mission Sunday in October, and the feast of Pentecost, the moment of the Epiphany is another call to missionaries to continue shining the light of God to the whole world, especially in places where the good news has not yet been heard.
Further Readings:
In the almanac, Joseph De Piro wrote and published articles to describe the work of the missionary. Here are a few assertions about the faith in Jesus Christ, spread by missionaries: