Today’s readings invite us to meditate on the three persons of the Holy Trinity; God who is Father, Son and Spirit. God who is Lover, Beloved and Love itself. In the Old Testament, God the Father was experienced as the God of the exodus, leading is people out of slavery in Egypt and giving them a new way of life, the ten commandments.
In the New Testament, especially in today’s gospel reading, we are introduced to the Son, the eternally beloved by the Father, who sent as a witness to this great divine love. “God loved the world so much, that he gave his only Son.”
The Holy Spirit, which we celebrated last week, is the life, love and joy of God. The Spirit reveals itself in the love and joy that we share with our sisters and brothers.
As we meditate the mystery of the Trinity we recognise in the Three Divine Persons a life of perfect unity. The term ‘mystery’ does not simply mean something beyond our full understanding, but also that it is something that actuates what it signifies. The Three Persons only exist because they are in perfect union with each other … and they create us in their own image and likeness. Created in this likeness of communion, we are therefore invited to live in communion with our sisters and brothers.
Further Readings:
Joseph De Piro understood this connection with God and lived a life of communion: