Without any doubt, as per the various testimonies in the life of Mons Joseph De Piro, Founder of the MSSP, he firmly believed in the Society celebrating to the full, these two feasts related to St Paul. Over the past recent years, the fathers commemorated and celebrated these two feasts, in a special way, together with the many lay helpers and volunteers involved in the MSSP diverse activities. We all looked forward to attending the lunch organised by the Fathers at their St Agatha Convent in Rabat. It was a special occasion when the fathers and family members and friends forming part of the many lay helpers and volunteers active in the various functions of the MSSP fathers, met to pray and celebrate together the feasts of St Paul. It was an occasion when the fathers expressed their gratitude and thanks to the hundreds of lay helpers and contributors of the Society.
This year, it was felt that such a special occasion is celebrated and commemorated in a different manner. Fr Louis Mallia, Malta and Gozo Superior of the Society, together with the help and assistance of Fr Clinton and Fr Bernard, came up with the idea to organise a get together for the volunteers and helpers from all the entities of the Society and dedicating this occasion to take them for a walk through the work undertaken by the MSSP fathers spread out in various countries.
This event, which was held on Sunday, 16th February 2020, at the St Joseph Home, Sta Venera, brought together the MSSP helpers and fathers to experience the extensive projects and work carried out for the spiritual and social wellbeing of the locals, mainly the poor, of the places where they run their parishes. With the help of audio/visual presentations, those present were able to experience and understand better the details of the work carried out by the MSSP in Malta, Gozo and Italy, and in the MSSP missions of Peru’, Pakistan, Philippines, Cuba, Vietnam, Australia and Canada.
It was an enlightening and learning experience for the lay volunteers who attended and who did not have the knowledge of the diverse projects and work undertaken by the MSSP fathers. As expected, their knowledge is usually limited to that related to their own area of activity in which they participate. This event enabled the volunteers to gain wider knowledge of the diverse work of the MSSP. The presentations shown were further supported by comments made for the occasion, through Skype communications, by the Superior General Fr Mark Grima and Mons Giovanni Cefai, the newly appointed bishop of Huancane’. The presence and input by Fr Clinton and Fr Bernard, helped to give more details and thus provide a wider picture and extensive information on the projects and work carried out.
The comments by those attending were very positive and confirmed that the get together had achieved the purpose for which it was held: that of spreading information about the MSSP work and undertakings. Those attending had the opportunity to meet and getting to know other helpers coming from other functions of the MSSP and above all, exchanging of knowledge and ideas in support of existing and new initiatives. A fruitful and well-organised evening in dedication and support of the MSSP activities.
The MSSP fathers thank the various helpers who assisted in organising this successful event and those who attended, which helped to give recognition and support to the continuous good work started by the founder Mons Joseph De Piro, around the world. Thanks to God for sustaining the MSSP congregation and enriching it with a Bishop from amongst its field.
Mrs Marthese Brincat forms part of our lay network in Malta, working specifically at CAM Productions International.