Lorraine Tabone

Lay delegate of our Maltese province

As a child, born and raised by devout Catholic parents, I remember eventually reaching the age when I started to understand that people do not live here on this earth for ever; there comes a time when we move on to another life – a life with God in Heaven.

I remember very clearly that as a young girl, I would imagine this Heaven to be the place where I would be dancing with God to beautiful music in an open meadow under clear blue skies and a gentle breeze.

I thought to myself, ‘Why wait to go to Heaven to dance with God? He’s inviting us all to dance with Him, who is forever beyond, beside and within, from now!’

Why would this memory come back to me today? Well, I practically just arrived in Peru as a participant in the Chapter and I was fortunate enough to be in time for the two days of group dynamics led by Christine and Jean Guy. One of the afternoon sessions was dedicated to movement and dance in such a way that I could really taste a tiny bit of what dancing in Heaven could be like: where the restlessness of the heart comes to a stillness: the freedom; the simplicity; the connectedness with my body and soul _ for a moment time stopped!  It was beautiful to me and just as beautiful to watch all the participants, and I mean all!  An experience like none other before.

St Paul’s words come to mind “in Him we live, we move and have our being”… we can allow God’s love to flow within us and through us, just as the Spirit flows from the Father and the Son.

I thought to myself, ‘Why wait to go to Heaven to dance with God? He’s inviting us all to dance with Him, who is forever beyond, beside and within, from now!’