We came in the parish of St. Paul the Apostle Church in Toronto, in February 1999. At the time Fr. Mark Demanuele was the official pastor while Fr. Dominic Cachia served as an associate pastor. In 2001, Fr. Mark Demanuele was called to serve in the missions in Pakistan, while Fr. Karm S. Borg, who came from the United States of America, was installed as the new pastor of St. Paul’s. Fr. Emmanuel Parnis served as Parish Priest in this parish up to 2018.
In 2019 Fr. Mario Micallef was appointed Parish Priest. In effect, the MSSP took over the administration of this parish from the Franciscans who had been at St. Paul’s since 1951. Prior to this the Missionary Society of St. Paul had been, from 1959 to 1991, in Kingsbridge and Emeryville, taking care of the Maltese immigrants in Windsor, Ontario.
In our pastoral ministry, through the grace of God and the help of the people around us, we try to cater for the needs of the parishioners and those of the outlying geographical areas, to the best of our ability. The sacraments are administered on a regular basis in the parish and outside as required. Many times, we are called to administer to the sick and the ones who are dying. In the parish, we prepare our children and youth for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. We also have adult programs (RCIA) for those who are being initiated or received into full communion in the Catholic faith. As we evangelize the Good News of the Risen Lord we feel we project the goals of our Founder. With the help and support of our volunteers, we feel we are reaching our goal gradually and methodically. It seems that the length of the day does not have enough hours!
As missionaries, we feel we have a pastoral responsibility to look after the immigrants who left their homeland a long time ago. However, other nationalities also form a minor part of our community as they inter-marry with the offspring of the initial immigrants.
With God’s grace and the help of our Founder, we will continue to work hard for those who need us most.