Pakistan is an intriguing country. It has a rich cultural heritage and beautiful landscape. Unfortunately, it is plagued with extreme poverty! Lahore, in the Punjab region, is the second largest city with 14 million people.
Why Pakistan?
The New Beginnings Foundation’s (VO/2000) initiatives in Lahore were inspired by the MSSP presence there. The MSSP arrived in Pakistan in 1981 and specifically in Lahore in 1994. As a Foundation we are working on 3 major projects- Teacher Training in different schools, a breakfast sponsorship scheme for the Joseph Depiro High Boys’ School managed by the MSSP school, and the installation of water purification systems in different localities funded by Fondazzjoni U (VO/0276). A smaller project is providing a small pension for vulnerable women. This is funded by the Nome Della Donna Trust (VO/ 2476).
In August 2023, New Beginnings Foundation initiated its first major project in Lahore. The focus was on providing pedagogical training for educators at two schools: Joseph De Piro High School for boys and Sacred Heart High School for girls. This project was funded by Fondazzjoni U and the Marie Midolo Foundation (VO/ 1337). The funders contributed financially to establish a library, media room. Adjacent to this project was the installation of a water purification system at the school funded by the HSBC Foundation (VO/0838). Individual donors also contributed generously for these projects. The foundation is committed to continuing educational initiatives that empower individuals with knowledge and skills for a brighter future.
January 2025
My short visit in January 2025 had two aims. I wanted to experience the breakfast at school and to visit the beneficiaries of the water purification systems. Pakistani people are incredibly welcoming. Everywhere I visited, I was welcomed with enthusiasm, gifts and flowers! The children at school love their breakfast. Breakfast is helping them concentrate more in class.
The water purification systems will be installed in 6 communities. Each community will make water available for free for at least two hours a day if not more. The following communities will be benefiting from the systems: MSSP Conversion of St Paul Parish in Glaxo Town, Sacred Heart Girls School in Asif Town, Ghauri Orphan Centre in Youhanabad, Dar ul Karishma in Youhanabad, a dispensary in P & D Coop Society in Canal Road in Lahore and St Thomas Church.
New Projects
The Foundation is working on the continuation of the Breakfast Sponsorship Scheme, more installations of the water purification systems, teacher training, and supporting two orphanages.
Why the poor?
The focus on the poor is deeply rooted in both biblical teachings and the Catholic Church’s tradition of social justice. Jesus began his ministry by proclaiming good news to the poor, emphasising their special place in God’s plan. Jesus teaches that serving the least among us is equivalent to serving Him directly. The Catholic Social Teaching posits 3 principles: the preferential option for the poor, reflecting God’s concern for vulnerable populations; solidarity and human dignity, the believe all people have inherent dignity and should be treated with respect; solidarity involves standing with marginalized communities; and the idea that all goods are meant to benefit everyone and not just a privileged few.
Why Youhanabad (in Lahore)
Youhanabad is a significant residential neighbourhood in Lahore, known for being the largest majority Christian area in the city. The estimated population is around 200,000 residents, with a substantial Christian population.
How can you help?
Assistance to our projects can take two forms: the first that you keep us in your prayers, secondly, and equally important you can make a monetary donation on the Foundation’s bank account (IBAN
MT51APSB77013000000045795710015) Please send us an email on [email protected].