As long as I’m breathing, I’ve got a reason to praise… and when looking back, members of our MSSP Oratory Youth community who travelled all the way to the Philippines, for many, living their first missionary experience, had nothing but praise! Appreciation, gratitude, contentment, have truly marked every day from the minute the group arrived in our mission and house on 13th Street.
They were three weeks of encounters – from cultural, to spiritual, to familiar – every encounter had its own story to tell and special protagonists made such moments all the more meaningful. The group, 18 in all, slowly prepared for this experience yet it was only when landing in the land of so many contrasts, colour, expression that all that was received in Malta came to life.
The group was able to build itself through sharing community life with the MSSP fathers and brothers who hosted us both in Manila and Bataan. Through daily morning prayers, Eucharist and fixed moments of sharing, the group had the space to articulate in various ways all that was seen, observed and lived giving each member the space to appreciate further the mission itself and allow personal awareness to grow. Apart from a missionary experience, the weeks in the Philippines gave the space for spiritual growth – which in itself empowered the youth to embrace better what was being lived.
Youth encountered many families and their respective children – a bond which grew along the days the group resided in Manila. A series of workshops were held for children of various ages giving them the opportunity to show their creativity through art, craft, music, experiments, sports, ICT, language! These afternoons were finally brought together into one were all showcased to their parents what was worked and built upon. A special encounter was held with families, when the group was paired up to visit and together eat with a family – a gift to be able to witness, first handed, the struggles a family goes through yet the immense joy with which in their littleness abundantly shared, with joy, what they had to offer! Reaching out to those in need and understanding well how its done through the work of our missions and the ongoing care of the MSSP fathers was a constant eye-opener for all of the group. Feeding programmes both in Manila and Bataan were not just moments to help in the preparation, but also a means of encounter!
Weeks offered different perks … from the perpetual profession of two MSSP brothers, to a feast celebration with a charismatic community, to singing and dancing alongside a group of elderly residents and finally enjoying a few days of rest as a group! Philippines offered each member of the group time to be for others and with others – not only with Filippino nationals or members of our MSSP communities – but also for members within the group. Living community life away from home and seeking the possibility of living up to this call was a gift which all have and continue to treasure.
As the group settles back home the task is now one… to understand all the more one’s mission and purpose, keeping alive all the experiences, stories, witnesses encountered. In the vivid words of the Gospel, where our Lord reminded the apostles that he will ‘remain, till the end of time’, it is without a doubt that such an experience will remain in the hearts of all who were blessed to go out there and seek! Hearts are truly grateful for having been able to fully live such an opportunity!