The oft-hidden vitality of a community comes to the fore in moments of celebration—the First Profession of Brs. Luận Quang and Nikko Again was a surging moment of vitality and joy for the MSSP Region of the Philippines and all the Missionary Society of St. Paul. Held on the 26th of June in the recently opened Local House of Formation, which forms part of the Formation complex at 13th Street, Quezon City, Manila, the First Profession brought together other celebrations: the renewal of vows of Brs. Linh Tran and Rush Nymuel Tinhay, and the blessing of Br. Rush before he embarks on his missionary experience in Peru in a few days.
Fr. Hector Attard led the concelebrated mass, assisted by Fr. Martin Galea, the Novice Master of the two novices making their first profession, and other MSSP members present. The liturgy of the 13th Sunday of the year lent itself well to the event, with the gospel call, “Master, I will follow you wherever you go,” becoming the central theme of the liturgy and Fr. Hector’s message to the newly professed and to the community present.
The profession itself consists of the moment when the brothers read out their form of profession vowing chastity, poverty, obedience and service in the missions for one year, according to the Constitutions of the Missionary Society of St. Paul. It includes the giving of the MSSP habit and sash, a cross, and a copy of the MSSP Constitutions, as symbols of this consecration.
Young people from our Youth orchestra in Bataan, together with Lay MSSP Associates from Manila together with Br. David Pace provided uplifting music throughout the liturgy. The event was capped off in the usual Filipino style, with food aplenty, allowing all those present to mingle, and share this joyful moment in the life of the MSSP.
Xi gmiel!!!! Prosit KBIRA KBIRA KBIRA! God bless the two new professed, all the MSSPs and us all!