I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
Led by this word together with Pope Francis’ Exhortation to Youth, Christus Vivit, the MSSP Oratory Youth met for the fourth consecutive year for their ECHO Youth Faith Camp. This annual live-in held at the MSSP Oratory B’Kara, wraps up an intensive and full pastoral programme for youth. Such a weekend is an opportunity to pause for a while and be together as one community – in various ways – through prayer and reflection, through chores assigned as the place becomes a home for a good few hours, through competing in a fun way through games – a good mix of elements which in themselves instil communion.
For the first time, and as a result of an ever growing community, the youth committed in small groups, kicked off the weekend by analysing and discussing their presence and both their personal and spiritual growth in Community whilst looking forward to the year ahead. Led by a traffic-light exercise, the youth were called to assess and gauge how alive they feel vis-à-vis their personal journey, lectio group, the MSSP Youth Community, the Christian Community and Society. The exercise did not only provide the opportunity for personal reflection but also created the space for discussion amongst all present. A letter by our Superior General, Fr Mark Grima specifically to youth was also shared over the weekend, fuelling further food for thought for all those present.
With the space for prayer, the Word and fellowship, the youth were given the opportunity to delve deeper in the theme of being a_live, fully alive challenged by the different influences which hinder and compromise one’s will from living life to its fullest. Led by Fr Karm Debattista mssp for the first part of the day, youth were able to journey through the word, challenged by what it truly means to live a life full of life. The rest of the second day, provided the space for youth to discuss the meaning of being alive with the help of various workshops which addressed sexuality, relationships, choices and our moral obligations and the virtual world.
As the youth received, it was also time to give and a pay-it-forward exercise took place where in small groups all headed out of the Oratory and delivered messages and little gestures which were hopeful in nature, whilst reminding others the gift of life and living it abundantly. Working in groups, youth headed to a children’s orphanage; hospital car park; coffee shops; meeting police officers on duty; passers-by and commuters on buses; donated blood… just a few examples of how life was celebrated showing gratitude yet instilling hope in simple and gentle gestures. The message cherished by all and shared out there being, “May God grant you a life full of life”.
Ms Rozlyn Scerri forms part of the MSSP Oratory Youth (Malta) service team.