Just like adults, children grieve
They grieve the death of someone dear.
They grieve the loss of someone dear through separation or failed relationships in their family.
They grieve when the family pet dies.
They grieve for unfulfilled dreams,
They grieve when they see injustice,
They grieve for the degradation of the environment.
Children and adolescents grieve deeply yet in different ways than adults.
It is crucial to know how to handle these processes, be ready to address their questions, and stay open to listen to their emotions. If feelings are not acknowledged, young people’s grief will manifest itself later on in life in many different ways, including challenging behaviours.
With vast experience in the subject, Christine Hanssens will help us understand how to approach children and adolescents’ grief with sensitivity, honesty and openness.
Entrance is free, yet booking is recommended using the below REGISTER link.
Organised by St Paul’s Missionary College and St Joseph’s Home, both entities are run by the Missionary Society of St Paul.